
5 Ways Sex Is Better For Lifters

1 – Working Out Ensures Better Erections

Erections are the canaries in the coal mine as far as heart health is concerned. Sure, these particular canaries might be featherless and shaped like the mushroom character in Mario Kart, but canaries in the coal mine nonetheless.

Anyhow, if the plumbing of your heart and vascular system in general is plugged up, you won’t be able to achieve the hydraulic pressure necessary to achieve an erection. It’s like one of those WWII submarine movies where all the pipes are shooting steam and the U-boat is nose-diving towards the ocean floor, only, you know, without Nazis.

Exercise should help with that. Just don’t get too fit. You don’t want to have to call an urologist because you got an erection so strong that you ended up like Pooh Bear when he ate too much honey and got stuck in the rabbit hole.

Working …


Ladies, Weight Training Can Boost Your Libido and Give You More Powerful Orgasms!

Are you a regular gym-goer or hit the jogging track daily? Keep it up as women who frequently exercise become aroused more quickly and are able to orgasm faster and more intensely, a fascinating research reveals. ‘Being physically active seems to be a potent aphrodisiac for women,’ Tina M. Penhollow, an associate professor of health promotion at Florida Atlantic University, was quoted as saying.


During a single strength workout, a woman’s body produces higher levels of growth hormone and testosterone that play a pivotal role in sex drive. According to another research by University of Texas at Austin, female study participants were 169 percent more aroused (as indicated by blood flow in genital tissue) while watching a short porn flick after 20 minutes of vigorous cycling than when they watched it without riding beforehand.


Hitting the weight room regularly keeps levels of growth hormone and testosterone higher, said …